There are times in life when a card or flowers simply aren’t enough. This is when a tribute gift
to St. John’s Episcopal Hospital may better express your sentiments.
Tribute gifts can be made in memory or in honor of a loved one or friend. When your gift is received, it will be acknowledged by St. John’s Episcopal Hospital with a beautiful card sent to the person or family you designate. (The amount of the contribution is confidential.) We will also send you an acknowledgment letter for your gift.
Memorial Gifts
A memorial gift to St. John’s offers a most meaningful way to honor the memory of those we love. Your memorial donation will be used to sustain medical programs and services that benefit community members each and every day.
"In Honor of" Gifts
"In Honor of" gifts to St. John’s are a caring way to honor someone special or recognize an occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary or holiday. Your gift shows you care as it is put to work helping us provide exceptional medical care to the community.
For your convenience, Tribute donations can be made online. To make a tribute by mail, download the print form here and mail it with your payment to:
St. John’s ICARE Foundation
377 Oak Street, Suite 209, Garden City, NY 11530